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Showing posts from October, 2018

My First Grouse!

Today was a pretty special day. Our kids are on fall break, and although we tossed around different plans for epic adventures, we ended up deciding to keep it simple and hang at home for most of the break. I,  however, was craving a family day in the mountains. We loaded up and headed into the woods. It always takes a little time away from electronics for our kids to detox and return to their wonderful selves,  and today proved no different, but we soon settled into a relaxing mood that included watching the aspen leaves fall and scanning the hillsides for grouse.  As you may have read in a previous post,  A Walk in the Woods , I have been out searching with my husband for some grouse, but have yet to actually find one to even attempt shooting.  I have been after my first grouse for some time now, having decided it was time to step into a more active role in our family’s food production. For years I swore I would never hunt.  Hunting is a part of our family's lifestyle, since my hu