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Showing posts from August, 2018

Lobster Mushrooms!

Today My husband and I were lucky enough to add another mushroom to our arsenal; The lobster! This incredible mushroom is different than any other mushroom we’ve found. The unique color and texture of a lobster mushroom is due to the fact that it is actually a fungus that has attacked and taken over another mushroom, changing it’s appearance and texture until it is unrecognizable! I find the whole process incredibly interesting, and altogether fascinating! Here is a link to more information about this crazy shroom: Here in the southern Rockies the lobster mushroom can be found around 9,000 ft in Ponderosa forests. They pushed up through the thick layer of pine needles like buried treasure! Once you brush away the dirt and needles the beautiful mushroom is easy to cut. Be sure to cut it and not pull the whole thing out.  Here is a mushroom I found in the process of changing into a lobster. So cool! ...